------ [INFO] Prepare remote import ---Downloaded files--- The import files for: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/static-assets.kubiobuilder.com/demo-sites/production/coworking-space-free/content.kds were successfully downloaded! ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: init ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_templates ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_template_parts ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_menus ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_pages ------ [INFO] Imported "Uncategorized" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "primary" (nav_menu) ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "15120-architecture-blue-269077-1", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "2-1559914777077", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "1-1559914777077", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "blond-hair-chairs-coffee-2041627", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "discussing-facial-expression-indoors-1181533", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "adults-brainstorming-business-1595385", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "adult-chair-connection-1251848", fetching attachments disabled ------ [INFO] Imported "Home" (Item do menu) ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Item do menu) ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Item do menu) ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "architectural-design-architecture-ceiling-380768-1", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "adult-business-meeting-business-people-1438072-11.55.46", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "adults-boardroom-business-2977565-11.55.46", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "colibri-image-128 (1)", fetching attachments disabled ------ [WARNING] Failed to import "": Invalid post type ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "african-african-american-afro-american-beautiful-black-1453701-pxhere.com_.jpg", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "logo-hub", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "kubio-featured-image", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "colibri-default-attachment", fetching attachments disabled ------ [NOTICE] Skipping attachment "kubio-featured-image", fetching attachments disabled ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem ipsum" (Post) ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem Ipsum" (Post) ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem Ipsum" (Post) ------ [INFO] Imported "About us" (Página) ------ [INFO] Imported "Contact" (Página) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Page" (Página) ------ [INFO] Imported "Blog" (Página) ------ [INFO] Imported "404" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Archive Product" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Page" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Full Width" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Index" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Search" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Single Product" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Single Post" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Footer" (Parte de modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page With Left Sidebar" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page With Right Sidebar" (Modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Custom Styles" (Estilos globais) ------ [INFO] Imported "contact form" (Formulário de contato) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Header" (Parte de modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Header" (Parte de modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Sidebar" (Parte de modelo) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page Sidebar" (Parte de modelo) ------ [INFO] Posts post processing ------ [INFO] Create term `elevate-wp` in `wp_theme` ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Home" (post #155) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #158) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #159) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem ipsum" (post #1218) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem Ipsum" (post #9) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem Ipsum" (post #10) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "About us" (post #153) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact" (post #154) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Page" (post #1228) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Blog" (post #1229) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "404" (post #1230) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Archive Product" (post #1231) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Page" (post #1232) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Full Width" (post #1233) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Index" (post #1234) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page" (post #1235) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Search" (post #1236) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Single Product" (post #1237) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Single Post" (post #1238) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Footer" (post #1239) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page With Left Sidebar" (post #535) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page With Right Sidebar" (post #536) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Custom Styles" (post #540) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "contact form" (post #1240) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Header" (post #1242) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Header" (post #1244) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Sidebar" (post #1245) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page Sidebar" (post #537) ------ [INFO] Starting remapping of featured images